real estate agent

Real Estate Agent vs. FSBO

So, you’ve decided to put your home on the market. Bet we can guess the question rolling around in your head: Do I really need a real estate agent to help me sell this place? Maybe not. That may seem like a strange thing for real estate firm to say. But we value integrity above […]

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real estate agent

The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a Real Estate Agent

According to recent figures reported by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), there are 86,000 real estate brokerage firms and approximately 2 million active real estate licenses in the United States. With so many options, how can you be certain you’re hiring a good agent? That’s an important question—one that many consumers don’t bother considering, […]

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Vegas One Realty

4035 S. Tenaya Way, Suite 200
Las Vegas, NV 89147
Phone (702) 768-1115
Fax (702) 242-6680

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